Our December Inclusion Hero: YOU – ETR

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Our December Inclusion Hero is You!

In 2018 Inclusion Europe had its 30th birthday! 

For this reason, in 2018 Inclusion Europe shared
many different stories
of people working for inclusion. 

Each month we interviewed a person
who did work in making life better
for people with intellectual disabilities. 

To end the year,
we want to say that everyone
who has done some work
to include people with intellectual disabilities
is a hero. 

So, you are our December hero, too,
if you are: 

  • self-advocate,
    because you stand up and speak for yourself
    and make sure
    that your voice is heard; 
  • a family member,
    because you look and care for people you love
    and help them
    to stand up for their rights; 
  • someone who works so
    people with intellectual disabilities
    are included in everyday life; 
  • someone who cares
    about making things accessible.
    For example, making their own company accessible.
    Or putting a law in easy-to- 

If you have a hero in mind
let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
Please use the hashtag #MyInclusionHero !
