Include – special issue for the European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018 conference

Include - special issue for the European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018 conference


How can the European Disability Strategy support people with intellectual disabilities and their families? How can the EU budget benefit them? Coinciding with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the European Commission organises the European Day of Persons with Disabilities conference every year. The Disability Strategy for 2020-2030 and the next EU budget are this year’s main themes. On the occasion, Inclusion Europe has prepared a special issue of the Include newsletter outlining how the EU can continue to promote inclusion.

Inclusion Europe also contributes to the conference by preparing an easy-to-read version for the conference programme.

Read the Include special report here in .pdf or in .docx format.

Read the full versions of the articles covered in the report here:

New life. New person? Being independent and included

Charles – a young man challenging preconceptions

Left behind? Deinstitutionalisation

It can be done. Talking about violence

“My biggest fear is that I will be put back into an institution”

“What if all people had to do a test to vote?”

Make the most of the European elections 2019

Participants at the conference can find it printed out for them to read.

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