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Where does the money of the European Union go to? An important part of EU funds is invested in the so-called “Cohesion policy”. This policy aims to improve the economic well-being of EU regions and reduce regional differences. The policy also has great potential for people with intellectual disabilities: It can support transition from institutions to community-based support, and independent-living services in general.
So far, the EU has given high priority to deinstitutionalisation in its financial planning.
In June this year, the European Commission published a so-called “reflection paper” on the future of the EU finances.
How does this preliminary financial planning look like when it comes to the money provided to get people out of institutions? The European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care (EEG) has prepared a response to the reflection paper with some concrete recommendations.
They can be summarised in one appeal: to “use EU money to give people an independent life!”
Read the full response of the EEG
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Where does the European Union’s money go?
Some of the European Union’s money goes towards the “Cohesion policy”.
The Cohesion policy tries to make sure that all the countries and areas
in the European Union have the same amount of money.
The cohesion policy could also be good for people with intellectual disabilities.
The cohesion policy could help stop people living in institutions and help people live independently.
The European Union has said that stopping people living in institutions
and helping them live independently is very important.
In June of this year the European Commission wrote a paper talking about its money.
The European Expert Group is a group that tries to help stop people living in institutions
and help them live independently.
The European Expert Group read what the European Commission wrote
about how it will spend its money.
The European Expert Group then wrote a paper with some suggestions
for the European Commission.
The paper talks about using the European Union’s money to help people live independently.
The paper gives three actions that the European Union can do to help use its money
to help people live independently.
The first action is that the European Union can put more money into the cohesion policy.
The second action is that the European Union should
work on the way they check how their money is being spent.
The third action is that the European Union should change
how they give out their money and make it easier.[:]