Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:en]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students
create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:fi]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:fr]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:nl]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:sv]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:it]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:sl]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:ro]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:hu]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:es]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:pt]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:pl]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:hr]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:tr]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:et]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:el]
Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.
Szeged is a city in Hungary.
The University of Szeged educates special education teachers.
Special education teachers are supporting people with disabilities.
The University of Szeged started a new course about easy-to-read.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
ÉFOÉSZ is the Hungarian Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
ÉFOÉSZ is a member of Inclusion Europe.
One of the self-advocates teaching the class is László Bercse.
László is a member of the EPSA Steering Group.
László is also a member of Inclusion Europe’s board.
Self-Advocates and students create useful texts
for people with intellectual disabilities.
They created an easy-to-read guide for the local museum
and the local zoo.
Members of EFOÉSZ Self-Advocacy Group also read the texts
to check if they are all easy-to-read and to understand.
Students, teachers and self-advocates are working together very well.
Students are happy to learn from self-advocates.
Ilona Sallai is a self-advocate and comes often to the ÉFOÉSZ Centre.
That is what Ilona said about her work at the university:
“When I am teaching I am also learning a lot.
I feel that I am an important member of my community.
It is good that people value what I do.”
Budapest is the capital of Hungary.
ELTE is the most famous University of Hungary, in Budapest.
ELTE also educates special education teachers.
ELTE started a new course about supported living.
The goal of the course is to support deinstitutionalisation
in Hungary.
Two self-advocates from ÉFOÉSZ are also teaching at this course.
They have lived in an institution for most of their lives,
but they have moved out to a live in supported housing five years ago.
Supported housing means that they live on their own,
but they get some help.
ELTE also employs other people with disabilities as teachers.
They work on making inclusive teaching better.
Last year the team of ELTE
won a prize for how they do inclusive teaching.
You can read more about the prize here (not in easy-to-read).
Inclusion Europe is a partner in a project called ICLife.
ICLife means “Inclusive Campus life”.
A campus are all the buildings of a university.
ICLife wants to make universities more inclusive
for people with intellectual disabilities.
ICLife supports people with intellectual disabilities so they can be better included at universities, be students and also teachers.
You can read here about an event that ICLife did.[:]